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Our Summer has bookends! And the bookends are holidays:  Memorial Day & Labor Day. Though these US holidays do not mark the exact beginning and end of Summer, they do mark it practically. Having just observed Labor Day, some thoughts are on my heart.

It was in New York City, on September 5, 1882, when Labor Day was born. Approximately 10,000 workers marched in a parade, organized by the Central Labor Union and the Knights of Labor. These activists looked to establish a day to pay tribute to workers. As you know now, they were successful. A congressional act was signed in 1894, making Labor Day a federal holiday.

On this Labor Day, I am reminded of the struggle “Labor” (works) has with the Christian Faith and the Kingdom of God. The predominant labor culture is you receive nothing for free, but by your labor. The proclamation of the gospel stands at odds with that cultural premise, as the gospel proclaims that Christ’s death and resurrection on the cross secures our place in the Kingdom of God. It is free. No work is necessary…only simple faith in Christ’s sacrifice. Many people get hung up on this and not able to enjoy the hope of God’s present kingdom on Earth because they are unable to embrace this concept of grace that does not require work.

Trusting in one’s work to receive the Kingdom of God can be easier than accepting it by faith…as you have control over that process (transaction). Trusting by faith where one is dependent on the work of One they have not met personally can be challenging. Perhaps this helps:  The Apostle Paul, in explaining the gospel of Christ to the Ephesian Church (Ephesians 2:8) teaches that the only way to enter God’s Kingdom is trusting by faith and that no amount of work or labor gains one access to that hope.

That being said…work hard at the labor God has called you to do. I hope you enjoyed the holiday off. I hope you remembered and appreciated those who do not get a day off. And most of all, remember Jesus, the Christ, whose labor among us led him to the cross…the cross that defeated sin & brokenness. And may we labor to reveal the Kingdom of God here and now… and the kingdom yet to come.

That’s From the Heart,

Pastor David Ewing