Sunday School

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Wired Word is an adult group discussion about important matters of faith raised by news of the week.

The topic changes weekly, and the discussion is always interesting.  You will be motivated to consider your personal views on important subjects, and encouraged to act on your beliefs.  Wired Word provides the Leader with solid scriptural material and interesting questions to facilitate group discussions.

Grab a cup of coffee and join us in the Oxford Room in the Education Wing at 10:30AM each Sunday.

Children’s Sunday SchoolBW hands smaller

Our curriculum is designed to benefit children of all ages.  The Sunday School programs help young people to engage with Christian role models and develop an understanding of Jesus and His impact on our lives.

Children in Kindergarten through 4th Grade are dismissed to Worship Enrichment and then to Sunday School following the Children’s Message at the 9:30AM Worship Service.  Other age groups meet starting at 10:30.

All children and youth are encouraged to remain with their families in the Sanctuary on the first Sunday of each month for Communion.