
2024 Adult Trip – Jonesville VA

2024 Summer Trip – Greenbrier County WV

Heading out to serve!
At First Bethel, we put our faith in action by serving in a variety of local, regional and international outreach activities. If you have a few hours, a day, or a week to give, we have a place for you to plug in.
Appalachia Service Project (ASP)
Our mission is to build relationships and help make homes warmer, safer and drier. In 2024 we served in Greenbrier County, West Virginia and stayed in the town of Charmco. Our projects included underpinning on a mobile home, and a handicap ramp on another home. Let us know if you’re interested in joining us on our Summer Trip in 2025, or on an Adult Weekend Trip in the Fall of 2025.
Daily Bread
Prepare and serve a hot dinner to our neighbors on the North Side of Pittsburgh
Mission Barn
Connect with other United Methodists to pack cleaning or hygiene kits, backpacks for school children, or provide other necessities to those in need
Nyadire Connection
Partner with TNC (The Nyadire Connection) to support the Home of Hope Orphanage in Zimbabwe Africa and the many other ministries that happen there. Find out more here TNC Website
Prayer Quilts
Help to sew, cut out fabric squares, or design quilts that are tangible symbols of our prayers
South Hills Interfaith Movement
Bring your non-perishable food donations to church and we’ll get them to SHIM to help our neighbors that are experiencing food insecurity